IPL – Intense Pulsed Light Treatment




IPL – Intense Pulsed Light


IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) – is a non-invasive, tailor made treatment  that can improve a variety of skin conditions including sun damage,  lentigo (brown spots), rosacea, erythema (redness), broken capillaries (veins), pigmentation, acne and dull, lacklustre skin.

IPL works on the theory of photothermolysis.  This occurs when light is absorbed into excess melanin (dark pigment) in your skin and haemoglobin (red colour of your blood vessels).   Cold gel is applied to the skin and your eyes are protected.  The smooth glass surface of the hand piece is gently placed on your skin and pulses of light are applied.  In the skin, the light converts to heat, which damages the abnormal dark or red skin cells whilst leaving the surrounding skin less affected.  The pigment cells will naturally move toward the surface of the skin and slough off leaving a lighter, less visible lesion.  The red lesions (veins, rosacea) will gradually fade over time.

Downtime is minimal and a course of between four to six treatment sessions at four to six weekly intervals is recommended for long term results.

IPL Before and After Gallery